Singing Guide: Foy Vance

Singing Guide: Foy Vance

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Foy Vance is a great singer and songwriter who has managed to build a devoted fan following with his unique style of singing. Vance has a very distinctive voice that is full of soul and emotion, and his music has a very powerful impact on anyone who listens to it.

Learning how to sing like Foy Vance requires a combination of proper vocal technique, an understanding of his style of music, and a lot of practice.

Vocal Technique

One of the key aspects of singing like Foy Vance is mastering the proper vocal technique. Exercises like the vocal range test, pitch accuracy test, breath support, and resonance in singing can help you improve your vocal abilities and control.

Foy Vance's vocal style is characterized by his emotional delivery, smooth transitions from chest to falsetto voice and vocal fry, and vibrato, which can be developed over time by utilizing effective breathing techniques and learning how to control your vocal cords.

Foy Vance Vocal Style

Foy Vance's unique style consists of a blend of folk, soul, and pop. An artist with a powerful voice, Foy Vance uses his vocal range to convey different emotions in different parts of his songs. In his song "Be the Song," for example, Vance uses vibrato on certain words to emphasize the message, while in "Guiding Light," he uses extensive vocal fry to add a touch of depth to the song.

His voice has been described as a mix between Van Morrison and Ray LaMontagne, and his songs are both emotional and uplifting.

Songs to Showcase Foy Vance's Vocal Style

Some of Foy Vance's songs that showcase his vocal style are "Make it Rain," "She Burns," and "Joy of Nothing." These songs have powerful lyrics, and Vance delivers them with soulful and emotional vocals. "Make it Rain" is especially notable for its wide range of notes, which can be challenging to sing correctly. Other Foy Vance songs that should definitely be on your radar include "Be the Song," "Guiding Light," and "Closed Hand, Full of Friends."

Singing Advice

To learn how to sing like Foy Vance, it's important to remember that practice makes perfect. Utilizing Singing Carrots' Pitch Training - Educational Singing Game can improve your pitch and accuracy.

In addition, learning how to control your breath and vocal cords is crucial to develop your voice.

How to analyze your voice is a great article to help with this.


Singing like Foy Vance is more than just mastering your vocal technique. It's about delivering the emotions that he's conveying, and tapping into the soulful spirit of his songs. Using the right techniques, exercises, and approaching the songs correctly, it's entirely possible to achieve a similar level of skill in your singing. Remember to enjoy the process, keep practicing, and keep pushing yourself to be the best you can be.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.